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You Can't Change Someone's Mind...Only They Can!

A common (and very frustrating) misconception is that if you are a good enough "influencer without authority" you will be able to talk someone into doing something in a different way by explaining the value to them. You can't.

Read more to find out why not...and what you need to do instead!

How often have you heard of people trying to get others to change their mindset and "buy in" by explaining the value of doing something in a different way? Maybe you have tried it yourself! Chances are, if you have, it hasn't worked...and after the conversation (or the twentieth conversation) you've had with the person explaining the benefits of the new way (including the benefits to THEM), when you've stopped by the person's desk, or work area, you've found that they are still doing the work in the "old way". Even if the person has nodded their head "yes" and enthusiastically stated that they will give the new way a try.

The reason why this happens is simple! It's because people don't believe the benefits of something until they have actually experienced it for themselves!

I was working with a team member last week, and when I explained that packing warehouse items single-piece-flow would be quicker and easier for them, they shook their head and said "No, it wouldn't be. That doesn't make sense".

Instead of wasting my breath - and my and the team-member's time - explaining the theory behind why it would be, and how much easier it would make the team member's workday, I simply set up two stations. One with twelve items to pack in the old batch process way the team member was used to, and one with twelve items in the single-piece-flow way.

Then the team member timed themselves while packing each set of items.

When they were finished, they looked up at me and said, "The single-piece flow way was a full one minute faster!" Then they asked, "Can you please explain why?"

So I did. And after that I helped them set up their area so that they could change from packing in a batch process to a single-piece-flow one!

I didn't have to convince the team member to change their mind so that they could do something a different way, because they changed their own mind when they did something in a different way and saw the better result!

So, next time you are in a similar situation, instead of giving long explanations and cajoling and explaining benefits, do what I do!

Simply set up a situation where the person can "try out" the new way on their own. When they do, and experience the benefit, they will change their own mind and starting working in the new way!

Less frustration for the person who needs to work in the new way, and less frustration for you, the person who is helping them learn!

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