You are a world changer! Every choice you make (even if it's to not decide) and every action you take (or don't) changes the world!

Many people think that they are too 'small' to change the world.
That only "influencers" with millions of followers, film and TV personalities, and rich, powerful people like CEO's of multinational corporations or political leaders make decisions and take actions that are 'life and world-changing'.
But that simply isn't true.
With every choice you make (or don't), every word you choose to speak (or not say), and every action you choose to take (or not take), you are changing lives and changing the world.
Every kind word of encouragement that you you speak to your child, your partner or a work colleague uplifts and changes their life for the better.
Every time you decide to help a co-worker with a piece of work they are struggling with, pick up the phone or text someone to check in on them when you know they are going through a tough time, makes the situation a little easier for someone.
Choose to adopt a dog or cat, make and distribute sandwiches for the unhoused, donate clothes or food to a shelter, or read to a new language learner at your local school and you've changed someone's life for the better.
Even if the person never says 'thank you'.
Even if you never hear anything else about it.
Every single day, even if you aren't conscious of it, your choices and actions are changing the lives of those around you, and those choices and actions change the whole world.
So, next time you feel like you 'aren't enough' and that you 'can't' do anything, or that your contributions are to small to count, or to make a difference, please remember, you don't need to be - and aren't - a passive acceptor of the world around are an active creator of the world we all live in!