An “oldie but a goodie” today!

I know a number of people who have started something new recently! Maybe you have too! As fun as it is to start something new, after the initial excitement and optimism about how great it’s going to be wears off, you might start to notice that you are starting to feel frustrated with the learning process, and yourself!
That is because actually learning - doing something you haven’t done before - is uncomfortable! Your brain probably isn’t used to thinking that way, your muscles don’t know how to move that way, and you may have to pay attention to things you didn’t before, or do things that you previously thought you weren’t good at.
That’s all normal!
And you can - and will - work through it…if you just keep going! You’ll improve with practice, make new neural pathways, and start to feel comfortable again!
So today, if you are feeling frustrated or discouraged or that it’s too difficult to learn the new thing that you want to, please just keep going! And remind yourself that all the things you can do now, and that feel comfortable and easy, were once difficult and uncomfortable!
I believe in you! You can learn it!